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Personal Bio

 Ms. Johnson enjoys helping people work better together. Born in Chicago and raised in Jacksonville, FL, she has learned how to adapt to different situations. As a teenager, she decided that her purpose would be to help young people rise above tough circumstances and disappointments in order to live and succeed in a productive life. Having the firsthand knowledge of being the daughter of parents with addictions, who had to be raised by her grandparents, she knows firsthand about overcoming dysfunction. That purpose escorted her through 15 years of work and service in the non-profit sector with at-risk youth and their families and another six years of staff development, team motivation, and program accountability in state government with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice as a Technical Assistance Specialist/Government Operations Consultant. Ms. Johnson is an advocate for education, which is evidenced by a MA in Theological Studies and a MA in Human Services Counseling with a focus on Executive Leadership. For recreation, her highlight is to watch her favorite sports teams dominate on the field and the courts.

Ms. Johnson participates and volunteers in her community by serving on several boards that support improving the overall conditions for the urban core, especially when it comes to the Social Determinates of Health. She serves as the Spiritual Director for Project Restore Ministries and participates with the Circuit 4 Advisory Board. Ms. Johnson is the Founder & CEO of the MADISEL Group, LLC. The MADISEL Group provides coaching, consulting, and motivational training for relational & emotional wellness for individuals and families. Ms. Johnson is a graduate of JAX Bridges, a program of the JAX Chamber Entrepreneurial Growth Division. Ms. Johnson has created a family intervention tool called Family ReDirect, designed to help the whole family work through relational and behavioral crisis. This resource is being used with Duval County Teen Court.

Sandra is presently working with other lifestyle & wellness coaches and contributors on a new project she created called Coaching Collab™. This resource is a self-paced, personal development product designed for individual and family enrichment that happens at home. Bringing Wellness to the Home

Certified: Trauma Professional; Mental Health Coach; Youth Mental Health First Aid.

Author: Strategic Parenting for the 21st Century: Not my enemy; Message Notifications: A book for my young people

MADISEL™ —“Making A Difference In Someone Else’s Life”


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